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 Greyhawk: Against the Giants: Huecuva's Blight

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Greyhawk: Against the Giants: Huecuva's Blight - Page 8 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Greyhawk: Against the Giants: Huecuva's Blight   Greyhawk: Against the Giants: Huecuva's Blight - Page 8 EmptySun Oct 17, 2010 11:51 am

The member 'CondieBerks' has done the following action : Dices roll

'd20' : 2
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PostSubject: Re: Greyhawk: Against the Giants: Huecuva's Blight   Greyhawk: Against the Giants: Huecuva's Blight - Page 8 EmptyTue Oct 19, 2010 10:12 am



A Hot Mess of BADDIES

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PostSubject: Godsday, Sunsebb 4th, 586CY: Oytwood Scouts: Round One   Greyhawk: Against the Giants: Huecuva's Blight - Page 8 EmptyFri Oct 22, 2010 10:25 am

Oytwood Scouts
Godsday, Sunsebb 4th, 586CY
Time: 16:30:24
Encounter One


UE-3, 4, and 5 move across the field, closing the distance with the party by half. Their dead elvish features are clear. Their flesh is wrinkled and gray, each appears to have a wound in their chests and across their throats. Each one bears a symbol on their forehead, a skull resting on a scythe blade.

D also moves in, staying behind the undead elves. Its features become recognizable to MARTIN and LOWLYN. Its the same beast that killed FAWN with an arrow in the back.

The black humanoids (H-1 through 4) move toward the bleached white quadrapeds. Each humanoid mounts a quadraped (BH-1 with H-1 and so on).

UE-2, and 1 move into the fort next to UE-6.


Sheer genius, PA'CHEEN. Let's get out of here!

LUSULA rushes to MARTIN.

But we can take them!


Grudingly, PA'CHEEN rushes to LOWLYN's side.

The Lupinals touch their comrades on the shoulder and a ripple forms in the space near them. The lupinals pull their comrades through the ripple and all four disappear from the combat zone. The last thing the party hears is the angry and sorrowful wail of undead elves losing their prey.

The group reappears far to the east of the battlefield. The undead camp is no longer visible through the western trees. The Lupinals door with their comrades three more times before resting for a moment.

After the pause, LOWLYN looks at the scout party. His nerves are rattled from the small glimpse of the enemy, never used to the sight of dead elves.
"Time to head back to base camp. NERRAUNE will be too alerted to our presence to try this again tonight."


Godsday, Sunsebb 4th, 586CY
Time: 18:00:00

Night has fallen over the Oytwood. The sky has grown dark with a thick cloud blocking out the sun and the stars.

The day was thankfully quiet. The sentry tent that had been destroyed was replaced with a spare tent from the supplies. Also, under MEL's orders, two new ropes were placed along the rise near each sentry post.
Ropes (14, 20) and (67, 29)

The troops are on watch while MEL meets with the party for another strategy session.

MEL speaks first,
"Well, today exposed this fort to some serious shortcomings. I wish they were not pointed out this way, but there it is. I have placed two more ropes to allow for quicker mobilization to the high ground should it be necessary. I believe we need to do more. I am a foot soldier and a skirmisher; I am not a tactician. What I need, what this fort needs, is ideas about how to minimize our weaknesses. I am looking to all of you for that aid. Blazing weaknesses I see are mobilization between levels and defense against battle magic. I'm looking for solutions."

MEL sits, waiting for responses.

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PostSubject: Re: Greyhawk: Against the Giants: Huecuva's Blight   Greyhawk: Against the Giants: Huecuva's Blight - Page 8 EmptySat Oct 23, 2010 11:42 am

ARLIE speaks up. "All I can think of is moving tents to divide into 3 or 4 groups stationed around the island. Give each group casters, fighters, & archers. We'd still have problems with invisible enemies & distance between groups, though. Far as the cliff wall, the only ways to make that faster to deal with would be carving out hills or building ramps."
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Greyhawk: Against the Giants: Huecuva's Blight - Page 8 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Greyhawk: Against the Giants: Huecuva's Blight   Greyhawk: Against the Giants: Huecuva's Blight - Page 8 EmptySat Oct 23, 2010 9:33 pm

Godsday, Sunsebb 4th, 586CY
Time: 18:01:00

MEL nods at ARLIE's suggestion.
"Good idea, ARLIE. I was thinking about putting another camp on the high ground within the trees. Those at the camp would be able to run across the field to either sentry post, should it be necessary. In that case, we can have a station on the high ground, in the trees, and two stations at the base camp, one of the east shore and one on the west shore. ARLIE, I'm delegated the organization of those teams to you. You will need to take into account the 12 hours shifts as well, so that each team has both day and night shift members. Those with better night vision should take most of the night watches. I would like a plan ready for review at 1800 tomorrow evening."

GLASSBLOWER leans forward.
"To build on this theme, Master Sergeant, we may want to split the excess combat supplies from the armory between these three groups and the sentry posts. If anything, we need to make certain that spare arrows are posted at each station. FORLIN, NYDENT, and I can enchant arrows with our magic. It is quicker for us to grab a bundle of fifty arrows to enchant than to wait for all the archers to supply their arrows. Should the alarm be raised again, we can head to the post in greater need, enchant the extra arrows, and the archers could use them immediately. Splitting the combat supplies will also prevent an enterprising mage from taking out our single supply tent."

MEL nods with a smile.
"Of course, Lady GLASSBLOWER. That will also aid us."

TA'HEED stands.
"I can transport two people instantly across the field of battle. I can do this as many times as needed. I suggest that anyone who wants to take advantage of this ability to rendezvous with me during combat. I can also enchant three people to fly for a limited amount of time."

"I am capable of one instantaneous trip across the battlefield. I can also take two people. I could enchant one person to fly, but I prefer to reserve that for me. In the air, I can get to whomever needs aid quicker than on foot."

CLARA sat quietly, absently rubbing a gold bracelet on her left arm. The bracelet is a plain gold band with seven charms on it. Each charm is a small gold humanoid and each one is in a different combat pose.
"My bracelet can be linked with seven other people to bring them instantly to my side. All I need to do is whisper their name into a charm for it to work. However, each charm only works once, so it should be used in only desperate circumstances. If there is anyone who would like me to to enchant a charm for them, let me know."

MEL nods, more confidently this time.
"All those ideas will greatly aid movement across the field. Any other ideas?"
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Greyhawk: Against the Giants: Huecuva's Blight - Page 8 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Greyhawk: Against the Giants: Huecuva's Blight   Greyhawk: Against the Giants: Huecuva's Blight - Page 8 EmptySun Oct 24, 2010 10:50 pm

Godsday, Sunsebb 4th, 586CY
Time: 18:03:24

MEL looks at the team eagerly, met only with silence.

CLARA speaks again.
"I should clarify the workings of the bracelet. I need people's names enchanted into the bracelet before it can bring a person to my side. So if we want to utilize its magic, now is the time to ready it."

FORLIN moves to CLARA's side.
"Well, let me be the first. Another way for me to tranverse the field quickly will be welcome."

CLARA smiles weakly, inner conflict represses the smile. She brings the bracelet to her lips and whispers "FORLIN". One of the charms glows brightly for only an instant before the glow fades.

TANYA shrugs her shoulders and says,
"Hells, it's better than climbing."

CLARA whispers TANYA's name into the bracelet.

"Perhaps you should add your name as well, my lady."
NYDENT turns to CLARA.
"Strictly to for an emergency; should Lady GLASSBLOWER find herself if a difficult situation she cannot escape from."

GLASSBLOWER's eyes narrow playfully at NYDENT.
"You just want to give me a leash. Afraid of me running into a fight?"

NYDENT, FORLIN, and TANYA look at her, playfully accusing her of just that. GLASSBLOWER looks a little abashed.

She finally acquiesces.
"Fine, but you are coming right next to my side, NYDENT."

"Of course, my lady."

CLARA enchants two more charms with GLASSBLOWER and NYDENT.
"That leaves three."

TA'HEED stares thoughtfully into the fire. With a start he looks up from the fire, gazing around the base camp and along the rise. MEL moves with a nervous start, but TA'HEED quickly turns his attention back to the meeting with a smile.
"I think I have an idea. You are looking for a way to reinforce the fort against battle magic. The problem is that most battle magic can cover a wide area, causing immense damage. What you need is a way to cushion that damage. Now magic can be used to counter magic, but all the protection spells in the multi-verse can be dispelled. What you need, for the moment, is something more practical."
TA'HEED stands and looks around the base camp.
"At first, I thought about carving caves into the rise for shelter, but cave-ins would be fairly easy to accomplish. On the other hand we could build trenches around the base camp and around the sentry posts. We could even connect a trench from a third camp between the two sentry posts on the high ground. Trenches will protect troops moving in response to an approaching enemy. They would be hard, if not impossible, to target. Area effect spells would even have difficulty hitting them, and the protection of the trenches could lessen the blow from such magic. Also, it is harder to blast through an earthwork than it is to blast through a wooden wall. All we would have to do is dig the trenches, which would take some time."
TA'HEED's voice raises with excitement.
"Also, we could build bunkers instead of using tents for the sentry camps. Bunkers are built into the ground and from the ground. They are supported with wood and covered with thick layers of dirt and sand. We have plenty of that on the island. We can get the trees from the banks. Sentries, archers, and spellslingers could operate from within bunkers in relative safety. Unfortunately, I have little engineering knowledge to build bunkers, but we could try."

MEL is quiet for a full minute, blinking absently. Then, she manages to stammer out,
"Draw . . . draw me . . . up a plan . . . for tomorrow night."

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Greyhawk: Against the Giants: Huecuva's Blight - Page 8 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Greyhawk: Against the Giants: Huecuva's Blight   Greyhawk: Against the Giants: Huecuva's Blight - Page 8 EmptyTue Oct 26, 2010 5:50 pm

Asking Kirak for a tactics against such attacks was almost completely useless in his own mind, he had almost no experience in such affairs and in fact after recent events he preferred not to look any sillier than he already had. But his two best ideas still plagued him anyway and against all odds and the demons that moved through his mind he spoke up anyway.
"I was thinking about Camouflage..." he said loudly as his voice trailed off "...furthering Taheed's idea, I'm thinking Camouflage, make it harder to hit what can’t be readily or easily seen. Camouflage the whole area or at least us, we stick out like a sore thumb as it, maybe there’s a way to add a little more difficulty to their ability to hit us if they have to make an effort to see us first."
Kirak paused and stared off for a moment unsure of what kind of response he'd get.
"That and scout patrols on the banks, I'd be willing to lead a scout patrol as an Early warning system against attacks. I can move faster, maybe combined with Taheed's ability he and I could go on regular scouting patrols together on each side. If we see anything coming we could get back here faster and be better prepared, instead of being taken by surprise. Besides IF he can move across the water without the need for a boat, shouldn't we take advantage of that?"
Kirak paused again, feeling immensely uncomfortable about speaking out in front of people.
Kirak thought for a moment
"Hell, maybe we could even step things up a bit by setting various traps out there, instead of being completely defensive, come out a little offensive. I have no idea what KIND of traps we could set but even a simple Pit trap could be effective with a little camouflage on it as well instead of nothing at all."
Kirak raised an eyebrow and shifted his weight
"Also what about marking Distances on the banks for easier Targeting? IF anyone shows up we don’t want and we know the distance of how far away they are, targeting a large group with a ranged attack MIGHT be easier if we had a specific range increment."
Kirak chuckled a little
"Too Bad we can’t build small Catapults..."
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Greyhawk: Against the Giants: Huecuva's Blight - Page 8 Empty
PostSubject: Godsday, Sunsebb 4th, 586CY: Fort Olvewater   Greyhawk: Against the Giants: Huecuva's Blight - Page 8 EmptySat Oct 30, 2010 10:28 am

Godsday, Sunsebb 4th, 586CY
Time: 18:07:24

CLARA looks at KIRAK
"We know how far away the banks of the river are. How would marking it help us? Knowing the distance is not as important to an archer as skill. And, furthermore, the last thing we need is a catapult to launch boulders at giants. The bastards will catch them and throw the boulders right back at us. Arming the enemy is a terrible idea."

TA'HEED's tone is flat, something troubles him.
"If the building of trenches and bunkers is approved, I will only be able to go on scouting missions that take place at night."

TANYA shakes her head, confusion evident on her face. She looks at KIRAK
"I have no idea how you plan to camouflage a fort of this size. We are in the open that is why we need to improve our defenses. Besides, if we are talking about spells like fireball, camouflage won't matter. Camouflage may not stop boulders either. The strategy of trenches allows us to duck into them, presenting us with cover against battlefield spells and boulders.
"If we have the resources, a scout team is a good idea, but shouldn't such a team be led by those who know the area? No offense, KIRAK, but wouldn't ARLIE, CLARA, or even myself be better suited to aid a scout party? Sure we do not have the nifty spells and the speed, but our focus is stealth."

MEL absorbs all of the discussion.
"Sergeant KIRAK, I have to agree with TANYA. Attempting to camouflage the fort does not seem feasible. Unless you have a more specific strategy for camouflaging the fort, that idea can be taken off the table.
"I'm wary about forming a scout party, I feel that may leave us too vulnerable. On the other hand, we have no idea what the enemy is doing out in the Oytwood. We are effectively blind to their movements. What I need is a more concrete strategy for a scouting party before I seriously consider it. When would we put out a scouting party? For how long and how far would they scout? Who would form the scouting party? Do we want the scouting party to have other objectives, like watching the trade road and reporting on enemy movements? Should a scouting party attempt to ally with a friendlies they run across? I need answers to these questions.
"As with the idea for setting up traps, I need someone who can help in building some traps and ideas on where to implement the traps. I also worry about possible allies setting off the traps if they travel to us."

GLASSBLOWER interjects
"Well, if you have the traps in place, NYDENT or I can mark them so the elves will know an area has been trapped. Before the elven warbands split into isolated groups, a plan was formulated to mark the location of traps with a subtle code. I doubt the giants have broken the code."

CLARA nods
"Yeah, they're not very bright."

MEL nods thoughtfully
"Well, that helps considerably."
She turns to KIRAK.
"Sergeant, if you have any more thoughts on scouting parties or traps please continue, or we can continue this discussion for tomorrow night."

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PostSubject: Re: Greyhawk: Against the Giants: Huecuva's Blight   Greyhawk: Against the Giants: Huecuva's Blight - Page 8 EmptySat Oct 30, 2010 3:36 pm

Kirak clams up and sinks back into his seat
Way to go killer... he thinks to himself
...this is why I dont offer suggestions. Kirak makes no effort to say anything else but simply lowers his head, ready to get back to work and keep primarily to himself. The whole Sergeant thing just wasnt worrking out. Kirak had no idea how to lead people or inspire them and he certainly had no idea what strategies and plans would have worked or not. Kirak was good at one thing, and that always involved a target.
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Greyhawk: Against the Giants: Huecuva's Blight - Page 8 Empty
PostSubject: Godsday, Sunsebb 4th, 586CY: Fort Olvewater   Greyhawk: Against the Giants: Huecuva's Blight - Page 8 EmptySun Oct 31, 2010 10:14 am

Godsday, Sunsebb 4th, 586CY
Time: 18:08:00

MEL waits patiently for any more ideas. Quckly she realizes that silence will be her only response. She rises to her feet.
"Well then, I conclude this meeting until tomorrow night."
MEL turns to FORLIN.
"Can you send a message to the Lieutenant, updating him on our current situation?"

FORLIN nods.

TA'HEED rises to his feet.
"I request that you leave KYNA's death out of the report. I do not want word of that reaching LUSULA and PA'CHEEN. It could interfere with their current mission. And I should be the one to tell them."

FORLIN glances at MEL. MEL only nods, slowly, the reality of the morning returning to life in her eyes.

"Of course, TA'HEED."

TA'HEED bows graciously.

FORLIN begins chanting with his loop of copper wire. He speaks through the wire at the end of his chant.
"Lieutenant GHORENFORE, this is Fort Olvewater's status report. We were attacked by something this morning. Casualties are recovering. Contacted Knight Captain MOHAD XENI."


Lieutenant GHORENFORE receives the sending only minutes after LOWLYN and the scout team return from their reconnaissance mission. LOWLYN has debriefed the lieutenant on the minimal success of the mission.

Sending spell: 8 rounds
No other dialogue will take place until the sending dialogue is concluded, so DM can keep track of the spell duration.

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PostSubject: Godsday, Sunsebb 4th, 586CY: Fort Olvewater   Greyhawk: Against the Giants: Huecuva's Blight - Page 8 EmptyTue Nov 23, 2010 4:22 pm

SENDING Dialogue
Godsday, Sunsebb 4th, 586CY
Time: 18:18:06

Sending spell: 7 rounds

A few seconds later GHORENFORE receives another message from FORLIN.
"MOHAD XENI appointed you the diplomatic ambassador within the Oytwood. You will be charged with reaching an accord with GLASSBLOWER and Lynlai."


DM: I need SPOT/LISTEN checks from BRAKUS, GHORENFORE, HLIN, and MARTIN. The night is overcast so Low-light vision is limited to double the range of the campfires (normal low-light 40feet, impaired low-light 80feet). Darkvision is useful to its normal range of 60 feet.

Low-light Vision has a +5 bonus to Spot checks
Darkvision grants a +10 bonus to Spot checks
There is no penalty for "impaired low-light", but the DC for the Spot check is increased.

Make sure to include the bonuses with your role and I will see on my map whether they apply.

To VAL: GHORENFORE can still reply to FORLIN and you make his checks, but he will be considered distracted giving him a -5 penalty to Spot/Listen checks. All of that can be done in a round.

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PostSubject: Re: Greyhawk: Against the Giants: Huecuva's Blight   Greyhawk: Against the Giants: Huecuva's Blight - Page 8 EmptyTue Nov 23, 2010 10:01 pm

skill checks by MARTIN
spot: +11 skill +10 darkvision (+4 vs giants or +2 vs orcs)
listen: +11 skill (+4 vs giants or +2 vs orcs)
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Greyhawk: Against the Giants: Huecuva's Blight - Page 8 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Greyhawk: Against the Giants: Huecuva's Blight   Greyhawk: Against the Giants: Huecuva's Blight - Page 8 EmptyTue Nov 23, 2010 10:01 pm

The member 'CondieBerks' has done the following action : Dices roll

'd20' : 19, 18
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Greyhawk: Against the Giants: Huecuva's Blight - Page 8 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Greyhawk: Against the Giants: Huecuva's Blight   Greyhawk: Against the Giants: Huecuva's Blight - Page 8 EmptyTue Nov 23, 2010 10:10 pm

MARTIN's results
Spot: 40 (+4 vs giants or +2 vs orcs)
Listen: 29 (+4 vs giants or +2 vs orcs)
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Greyhawk: Against the Giants: Huecuva's Blight - Page 8 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Greyhawk: Against the Giants: Huecuva's Blight   Greyhawk: Against the Giants: Huecuva's Blight - Page 8 EmptyWed Nov 24, 2010 9:10 pm

Ghorenfore: "Thank you Forlin, I understand. We've set up a base camp and are engaging in recon work. Keep me aprised."

Spot chek #1 G
Spot chek #2 Brakus

Last edited by Valthronis on Wed Nov 24, 2010 9:17 pm; edited 1 time in total
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PostSubject: Re: Greyhawk: Against the Giants: Huecuva's Blight   Greyhawk: Against the Giants: Huecuva's Blight - Page 8 EmptyWed Nov 24, 2010 9:10 pm

The member 'Valthronis' has done the following action : Dices roll

#1 'd20' : 13


#2 'd20' : 19
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Greyhawk: Against the Giants: Huecuva's Blight - Page 8 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Greyhawk: Against the Giants: Huecuva's Blight   Greyhawk: Against the Giants: Huecuva's Blight - Page 8 EmptyWed Nov 24, 2010 9:15 pm

Ghorenfore = (13+3-5) = 11

Brakus = (19+Cool = 27
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Greyhawk: Against the Giants: Huecuva's Blight - Page 8 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Greyhawk: Against the Giants: Huecuva's Blight   Greyhawk: Against the Giants: Huecuva's Blight - Page 8 EmptyWed Nov 24, 2010 9:56 pm

HLIN looks around the campsite, As she was trying to looking beyond the races that is with the party

Spot +10 with darkvision

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PostSubject: Re: Greyhawk: Against the Giants: Huecuva's Blight   Greyhawk: Against the Giants: Huecuva's Blight - Page 8 EmptyWed Nov 24, 2010 9:56 pm

The member 'EvilBob' has done the following action : Dices roll

#1 'd20' : 13


#2 'd20' : 6
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PostSubject: Re: Greyhawk: Against the Giants: Huecuva's Blight   Greyhawk: Against the Giants: Huecuva's Blight - Page 8 EmptyWed Nov 24, 2010 9:58 pm

HLIN's Results

Spot 23

Listen 6
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PostSubject: Re: Greyhawk: Against the Giants: Huecuva's Blight   Greyhawk: Against the Giants: Huecuva's Blight - Page 8 EmptyThu Nov 25, 2010 12:50 am

Oytwood Base Camp
Godsday, Sunsebb 4th, 586CY
Time: 18:18:06

Spot/Listen Results

GHORENFORE sees nothing beyond the fading light of the campfire. However, he senses alarm from BRAKUS. There is some movement to the northwest, beyond the campfire.

HLIN sees and hears nothing through the darkness.

MARTIN sees no movement, but he hears the sound of a group of humanoids approaching from the northwest. They are approximately 75 FEET to the northwest (out of range for darkvision) and there are SIX of them. By the sound of their footfalls, MARTIN knows that all six would be no taller than a human.

FENNIGAN tilts his head to the northwest, he eyes wide with worry.

LOWLYN gazes toward the northwest like a predator spotting prey; his ears twitch like a hungry wolf.

LUSULA and PA'CHEEN are also alert, eyes and ears focused on the northwest.

If the TREANTS see or hear anything, they remain silent about it. They remain as still as the other trees around them.

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PostSubject: Re: Greyhawk: Against the Giants: Huecuva's Blight   Greyhawk: Against the Giants: Huecuva's Blight - Page 8 EmptyFri Nov 26, 2010 1:18 am

Oytwood Base Camp
Godsday, Sunsebb 4th, 586CY
Time: 18:18:12

"Lieutenant, we have several targets approaching from the northwest. I definitely hear the rustling of metal armor."

PA'CHEEN, still looking toward the northwest, confirms FENNIGAN's words. PA'CHEEN's eager thoughts pierces into everyone's minds.
Indeed, Lieutenant, I can see six dwarves just within my vision. They are moderately armed. I believe they may be aware of our camp.

LUSULA nods in confirmation.

LOWLYN's voice is also a whisper
"There are six of them. They are about 75 FEET from our camp. They just stopped moving toward us. I think they may be aware of us."

GHORENFORE's stomach twists at FENNIGAN's warning; however, the lieutenant feels relieved when PA'CHEEN identified them. Dwarves. They were far from any clan homes in the area. Perhaps they belonged to the same clan as HLIN.

GHORENFORE moves toward BRAKUS, to calm his mount, his friend. GHORENFORE certainly understood his mount's alarm. Allies were hard to find in the Oytwood. From his limited experience violence resulted from nearly every encounter. From the information LOWLYN has shared with the lieutenant over these passed few days; possible allies in the Oytwood were indifferent at best. GHORENFORE felt alone surrounded by madness, evil, and apathy. He did not like it. With the approach of a dwarven band, perhaps the lieutenant could finally gain new allies. Dwarves and the nations of the Sheldomar Valley had long standing mutual defense treaties. Surely individual dwarves would honor such treaties.

While gripping BRAKUS's bridle, another thought creeps into GHORENFORE's mind: MARTIN is an orc. The dwarves would not understand the transformation. He had to intercept the dwarves quickly and explain the situation.

GHORENFORE mounted BRAKUS to head northwest and meet the dwarves.
"HLIN, Lieutenant LOWLYN, I want you two with me when we meet the dwarves. MARTIN, keep a low profile."


MARTIN can also confirm that the approaching humanoids (dwarves) have stopped moving forward.

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PostSubject: Re: Greyhawk: Against the Giants: Huecuva's Blight   Greyhawk: Against the Giants: Huecuva's Blight - Page 8 EmptySun Nov 28, 2010 9:01 pm

Oytwood Base Camp
Godsday, Sunsebb 4th, 586CY
Time: 18:18:18

Before GHORENFORE urges BRAKUS toward the approaching dwarves, MARILYN walks up next to GHORENFORE. She cradles a rock in her right hand. She places her holy symbol over the rock so it rests on the rock while she holds the rock cupped in both hands. She chants and slowly the rock emanates light, dim at first but soon growing as bright as a torch. She hands the illuminated rock to GHORENFORE.

With a friendly smile, MARILYN says,
"So, you can see in the dark."

GHORENFORE nods graciously and takes the rock in his free hand. He turns to HLIN and LOWLYN and motions them to follow.

GHORENFORE knows that the dwarven clans honor the lords of the Sheldomar Valley. Hundreds of years of bloodshed against humanoids and giants solidified the bonds of friendship between the countries of the Sheldomar Valley and the dwarven clans. Dwarves were even permitted to be conscripted to serve in Sheldomar Valley armies; however, only Knights of the Watch were permitted such conscription power. GHORENFORE was an initiate within the order and a commander of a expeditionary fort. This gave him the power of conscription; however, he did not want to force that hand with the dwarves. With the right words such a power would probably be unnecessary.

GHORENFORE calls out to the darkness
"Friends, there is no need for alarm. I am Lieutenant GHORENFORE Keogard of the Gran March Army and Knight of the Watch Initiate. We have come from Hochoch to route the giants holding the Oytwood. Three of us will approach to your position."

GHORENFORE urges BRAKUS forward with HLIN and LOWLYN behind him. LOWLYN's bow had an arrow notched in it, but he held the bow to his left, the string mostly relaxed.

"I do not think a fight will be necessary."

LOWLYN's left eyebrow raised as he spoke.
"The distrust that elves have for dwarves is legendary. We do not respect the same aspects of life."
LOWLYN's eyes darted to HLIN
"Present company excluded, of course."

GHORENFORE let it go. Soon LOWLYN would find more dwarves to respect to aid in the fight against the giants and perhaps NERRAUNE. However, GHORENFORE has no problem getting the dwarves to go to Fort Olvewater to support his main base of operations. After the quick sending from FORLIN of an attack by an unknown force, GHORENFORE is no longer certain who the giants really had as allies. The fort is too important to not be reinforced. These are hard choices.

Three of the dwarves move forward as well. Soon MARTIN is able to see the dwarves approach and stop 55 FEET from the camp. GHORENFORE stops within 20 FEET of the dwarves. MARTIN, HLIN, and GHORENFORE observe the dwarves from their different positions.

The dwarves are well-armed and looked experienced. Out of the three, one is certainly the leader. She has long hair, streaked with gray. A well-crafted breastplate is her armor and she carries a traditional, although exotic, dwarven waraxe. The rest of her weaponry consists of a longspear and a longbow. Her two male compatriots are clad in only scale mail and carried shortbows instead of longbows.

GHORENFORE, HLIN, and MARTIN (even from his distance away) notice an obvious scar on each dwarf's face. Each dwarf has the scar on the left cheek in basically the same position. To MARTIN it is difficult to tell if the scars are from burns or bleeding wounds, but to HLIN and GHORENFORE it looks like a mixture of both. HLIN also knows the position of the scar would normally be where a clan symbol would be placed, like herself, if the dwarves had come from one of the five clans in the Crystalmists near Geoff. There is only one reason that the scars would have been purposefully removed: Dishonor.

MARTIN also spots a quick gleam in PA'CHEEN's eye that fads as quickly as MARTIN catches it. The Lupinal leans his head toward MARTIN.
"Be on guard; we may need your rage."

LUSULA looks confused, shares a glance with PA'CHEEN, and turns her attention toward the dwarves.

PA'CHEEN sends a telepathic message to GHORENFORE, HLIN, and LOWLYN.
A taint of evil has corrupted their souls, GHORENFORE. This is not the help we need.

The message from PA'CHEEN shatters all of GHORENFORE's hopes. Silently invoking Pelor's guidance, GHORENFORE peers into the souls of the three dwarves. He feels the taint of their auras. All six of the dwarves, including the three in the shadow of the light are evil. GHORENFORE continues to silently concentrate and observes that the auras are faint.

LUSULA bows her head.
MARILYN, MARTIN, stay close to me increase they need us in a hurry.

The dwarves appear to get restless and uncomfortable as if they know they are being probed. The lead female has a deep voice, almost as deep as a man's.
"What is it you want from us already?"

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Join date : 2010-01-10
Age : 45
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Greyhawk: Against the Giants: Huecuva's Blight - Page 8 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Greyhawk: Against the Giants: Huecuva's Blight   Greyhawk: Against the Giants: Huecuva's Blight - Page 8 EmptyTue Nov 30, 2010 4:31 pm

" How about you not saying you have seen anyone here ." HLIN says in dawven with look of disstain at the 6 dwarves.

HLIN looks at LOWLYN and says to him in common " I here because of the damn gaints are to close to my homeland for my comfort but also you and HIMO make my laugh at times."

Then looks back the 6 dwarves " So what are you doing here in their woods dwarves?" HLIN ask in dwaven
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Greyhawk: Against the Giants: Huecuva's Blight - Page 8 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Greyhawk: Against the Giants: Huecuva's Blight   Greyhawk: Against the Giants: Huecuva's Blight - Page 8 EmptyTue Nov 30, 2010 5:03 pm

Ghorenfore glances at Hlin completely confused but says nothing to her instead simply looks back to the dwarves.
“What business do you have in these woods?”
His eyes carefully scanning each one of the dwarves for a few more seconds
“We have no wish to fight you, but if your intentions are to cause harm to anyone or anything here-“
Ghorenfore’s eyes narrow and his gaze gets sharp, he had hoped for help possibly allies and instead he got a clan of dwarves that may be on a warpath of trouble.
A deep sigh escapes his lips
“-I warn you, you’ll be facing a world of trouble."
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Greyhawk: Against the Giants: Huecuva's Blight - Page 8 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Greyhawk: Against the Giants: Huecuva's Blight   Greyhawk: Against the Giants: Huecuva's Blight - Page 8 Empty

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