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 Greyhawk: Against the Giants: Huecuva's Blight

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Greyhawk: Against the Giants: Huecuva's Blight Empty
PostSubject: Greyhawk: Against the Giants: Huecuva's Blight   Greyhawk: Against the Giants: Huecuva's Blight EmptyFri Jul 16, 2010 10:28 pm

Sunsebb 3rd, Moonday
Luna: New Moon
Celene: 1st Quarter Moon
Sky: Clear
Temp: Cold (Freezing)
Sunrise: 6:55
Sunset: 16:54
Wind Direction: S
Average Speed: 4mph
Gusts: 14mph (Light)
Weather Conditions: Freezing Conditions (Unprotected characters not wearing winter clothing must make a Fort DC every round or suffer 1d6 points of subdual damage)

SETTING: Oytwood Forest near the Olvewater, a major river in the forest.

Light Forest
Tactical Movement: Normal Overland Movement: Normal (Trail) or One-half (Trackless)
Anyone who rolls a successful Survival check (DC 15) every day will be able to find a deer or other animal path that can work as a trail; however, trails are single file. The below statistics take into account an animal trail.

Battlefield Notes:
Encounter Range: 4d6 squares (20-120feet)
Line of Fire: Impaired (Missile Range unaffected within the first twenty feet; afterward a target is protected with a 20% concealment. Beyond 120 feet any target is considered to have full concealment.
Cover: Hard cover available within 1d6 squares of any character; concealment is available within 1d4 squares
Footing: Normal

Initiative Roller for this Thread: VALTHRONIS

Last edited by Aloddaharm on Fri Jul 16, 2010 10:32 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Greyhawk: Against the Giants: Huecuva's Blight Empty
PostSubject: Re: Greyhawk: Against the Giants: Huecuva's Blight   Greyhawk: Against the Giants: Huecuva's Blight EmptyFri Jul 16, 2010 10:31 pm

Oytwood Group
Moonday, Sunsebb 3rd, 586CY
Time: 08:05:00

The strike force, lead by GHORENFORE, is now five minutes south of Fort Olvewater. PA'CHEEN and LUSULA are out of sight, acting as the party's scouts.

LOWLYN is leading the party with FENNIGAN behind him. GHORENFORE is riding on BRAKUS behind them. MARTIN is behind the paladin. MARILYN and HLIN, respectively take up the rear flank.

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Greyhawk: Against the Giants: Huecuva's Blight Empty
PostSubject: Re: Greyhawk: Against the Giants: Huecuva's Blight   Greyhawk: Against the Giants: Huecuva's Blight EmptyFri Jul 16, 2010 10:45 pm

"MARILYN why didn't you say anything earlier about them changing into their current form?" HLIN ask MARILYN.

"Did HIMO know about them? Arggghhhh and if he did i need have a nice talk with him." HLIN says

HLIN is thinking Thank the Gods their on our side

"Well let's do this." HLIN says
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Greyhawk: Against the Giants: Huecuva's Blight Empty
PostSubject: Moonday, Sunsebb 3rd, 586CY: Oytwood Group   Greyhawk: Against the Giants: Huecuva's Blight EmptySun Jul 18, 2010 10:02 am

Oytwood Group
Moonday, Sunsebb 3rd, 586CY
Time: 08:05:12

MARILYN turns back to HLIN.
"It is not my place to expose the secrets of our new alllies. They prefer a certain amount anonymity."
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Greyhawk: Against the Giants: Huecuva's Blight Empty
PostSubject: Moonday, Sunsebb 3rd, 586CY: Oytwood Group   Greyhawk: Against the Giants: Huecuva's Blight EmptySun Jul 18, 2010 6:20 pm

Oytwood Group
Moonday, Sunsebb 3rd, 586CY
Time: 16:13:00

The team has been thirteen minutes into preparing for the night's rest. The day has remained clear and cold. The sun is just bisecting the western horizon, spilling oranges and reds across the sky. The travel has been quiet, but pleasant. The woods around the Olvewater abound with small mammals and birds.

LOWLYN picked out this campsite, just along the Olvewater. A large stream runs through the camp and joins the Olvewater south of the camp. The is also a large thicket of holly trees to the west of the campsite. Four massive trees also dot the landscape.

LOWLYN informs GHORENFORE that the team would be leaving the river tomorrow morning and heading east. The team should reach NERRAUNE's old grove by mid-afternoon tomorrow.

LOWLYN prepares the main campfire, while the other characters unload their packs and set up the tents.

A deep gravely voice fills the air, the voice carries age. The sounds of the forest grow still.
"Young elf, I suppose you plan on being careful with that fire."

A flock of blackbirds fly out of one the massive trees, rendezvous above the tree, and fly east.

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Greyhawk: Against the Giants: Huecuva's Blight Empty
PostSubject: Re: Greyhawk: Against the Giants: Huecuva's Blight   Greyhawk: Against the Giants: Huecuva's Blight EmptySun Jul 18, 2010 6:43 pm

HLIN looks around the campsite, heads in LOWLYN general area and asks " Who goes there? And what brings here?" As she looks at LOWLYN and whispers to him "I hoping this person is on our side."

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Greyhawk: Against the Giants: Huecuva's Blight Empty
PostSubject: Re: Greyhawk: Against the Giants: Huecuva's Blight   Greyhawk: Against the Giants: Huecuva's Blight EmptySun Jul 18, 2010 6:54 pm

The fact that neither LOWLYN, nor HLIN, or anyone else for that matter had any holes in them yet was a good a sign, and since Hlin had already asked the question Ghorenfor took two steps back and looked around. Ready pull his bow and string it with an arrow should the need arrive.

Roll Spot check #1 (+3)

Ghorenfore continued to scan the area
"Hello Freind," he said with caution "We're not here to cause any harm, I'm hoping the same can be said of you?"
Ghorenfore looked at LOWLYN to guage his reaction, His eyes narrowing with caution.
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Greyhawk: Against the Giants: Huecuva's Blight Empty
PostSubject: Re: Greyhawk: Against the Giants: Huecuva's Blight   Greyhawk: Against the Giants: Huecuva's Blight EmptySun Jul 18, 2010 6:54 pm

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Greyhawk: Against the Giants: Huecuva's Blight Empty
PostSubject: Re: Greyhawk: Against the Giants: Huecuva's Blight   Greyhawk: Against the Giants: Huecuva's Blight EmptySun Jul 18, 2010 6:54 pm

The member 'Valthronis' has done the following action : Dices roll

'd20' : 16
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Greyhawk: Against the Giants: Huecuva's Blight Empty
PostSubject: Re: Greyhawk: Against the Giants: Huecuva's Blight   Greyhawk: Against the Giants: Huecuva's Blight EmptySun Jul 18, 2010 6:54 pm

spot check = 19
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Greyhawk: Against the Giants: Huecuva's Blight Empty
PostSubject: Moonday, Sunsebb 3rd, 586CY: Oytwood Group   Greyhawk: Against the Giants: Huecuva's Blight EmptyMon Jul 19, 2010 9:00 am

Oytwood Group
Moonday, Sunsebb 3rd, 586CY
Time: 16:13:06

LOWLYN's eyes glance to HLIN in acknowledgement of her words. LOWLYN's eyes gaze around on all sides of the camp. As he looks above him, LOWLYN freezes. The lines in his face displayed worry, until he locks eyes with something. His position relaxes.
"Lieutenant, lower the bow. It's bad manners."

PA'CHEEN and LUSULA also see something within the trees. LUSULA smiles and PA'CHEEN bows politely.

FENNIGAN, while looking up into the trees, places a hand on GHORENFORE's shoulder.

GHORENFORE's own eyes catches movement in the trees as he sees the flock of birds fly out of the trees. The limbs of the trees moved, which caused the birds to fly away. However, GHORENFORE sees no threatening forms in the trees. The trees are massive magnolias with bright glossy green leaves still displayed in the cold winter. As he focuses on the trees, he indeed sees the tree move again! To his right he sees another tree move! They are closing in!

GHORENFORE hears LOWLYN speak up, with a quiet awe.
"Tree shepherds, Lieutenant. We are in the presence of tree shepherds."

As soon as LOWLYN's words filter to GHORENFORE's ears, GHORENFORE catches the site of pupiless wooden eyes staring at him through the dark brown trunk of the magnolia that first scared off the birds. The wooden eyes move with the expression of a normal human's eyes. A face appears in the tree, featured with a large wooden knob as a nose and large mouth bisecting the trunk. This magnolia approaches the party, staring at GHORENFORE.

An ancient voice echoes from the trunk of the magnolia, directed at GHORENFORE.
"Whether we are hear to cause harm depends entirely on you. You are in our home afterall."

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Greyhawk: Against the Giants: Huecuva's Blight Empty
PostSubject: Re: Greyhawk: Against the Giants: Huecuva's Blight   Greyhawk: Against the Giants: Huecuva's Blight EmptyTue Jul 20, 2010 11:53 am

Ghorenfore’s Bow lowers to the ground as a look of sheer amazed shock is painted across his face. These were the creatures his mother would tell him fairy tales about to scare him into bed at night, or when she wanted him to behave. The passing question of how many of those other creatures were truly real as well fleeted through his mind but was dismissed by the sheer awe of the situation that now faced him.
Ghorenfore realized the stupid look that must have been painted on his face and immediately tried to regain some of his lost composure.
“My apologies,” Ghorenfore said with a bow “I am Lieutenant Ghorenfore Kenoguard, a Paladin of Pelor in the Hococh Army. I meant no offense, and I deeply apologize if we are trespassing.”
Ghorenfore kept his bow for a moment as a sign of respect, if anything of what his mother had told him was true, they deserved that respect and had long since earned it. To be in the presence of such creatures was not only an honor and a pleasure, but more of a childhood dream come true. So many questions he wanted to ask the creature that now faced him, his mind raced, and in those few seconds he almost forgot why he was there, and his mission at hand. He remembered the stories his mother had told him and how he would pretend that big Oak tree in the back yard was a large Treant. Thoose stories served as a starting point for countless adventures in his youth. Ghorenfore smiled widely, to be in the presence of such creatures was a honor beyond belief, his breath was nearly taken away, and his inner child jumped with glea.
“It is an Honor to meet you...” he said rising up containing his feelings rather well.
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Greyhawk: Against the Giants: Huecuva's Blight Empty
PostSubject: Moonday, Sunsebb 3rd, 586CY: Oytwood Group: Encounter One   Greyhawk: Against the Giants: Huecuva's Blight EmptyTue Jul 20, 2010 10:39 pm

Oytwood Group
Moonday, Sunsebb 3rd, 586CY
Time: 16:13:36

The TREANTs bow in response to GHORENFORE. Their lush foilage is nearly close enough for GHORENFORE to touch. TREANT #1 continues the conversation. He smiles a bark-filled grin.
"We have no fences here, so you cannot trespass, Paladin of the Sun Lord."

LOWLYN falls to one knee in homage.
"The fire is well-contained, shepherds. We need it to carry us through the cold night. Our quest keeps us from home."

TREANT #2, looming over GHORENFORE, laughs at LOWLYN. The laughter is genuine and not mocking, but it is gravelly and disjointed.
"Child of the forest, we mean no harm to you or your fire. What is your name, where is your home?"

LOWLYN stands, still averting his eyes in reverence.
"I am Lieutenant LOWLYN from Lynlai. Your kind is known to me. One of your brothers, FALLOWLEAF, helps to defend Lynlai from the giants."

TREANT #2 nods in respect.
"Yes, we know of FALLOWLEAF. It is good to know that he is well in these troubling times."

TREANT #1 turns to MARILYN, who has remained silent during the interaction. She is stunned and speechless. TREANT #1 reaches a long branch, shaped at the end like a hand covered with smaller twigs branching off, toward MARILYN.
"And who are you? The emblem emblazoned on your armor is unknown to me."

MARILYN replies with pride.
"I am Sister MARILYN, a Sword Maiden of Mayaheine."

TREANT #1 muses aloud. His speech is slow, but deliberate.
"A sword maiden of Mayaheine, a paladin of Pelor, an elf far from home, and others of such strong character. Since you are obviously not here for a stroll, what is this urgent quest?"

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Greyhawk: Against the Giants: Huecuva's Blight Empty
PostSubject: Re: Greyhawk: Against the Giants: Huecuva's Blight   Greyhawk: Against the Giants: Huecuva's Blight EmptyThu Jul 22, 2010 7:32 pm

Ghorenfore looks up with the wonderment of a child his eyes gleam, his face changes with the question and his eyes reflect the determination his voice carries.
“NERRUANE’s forces of undead, have cut us off from Hococh and have been allowed to go unchecked for far to long. He’s been allowed to cause entirely to much suffering to the elves, and others who call this forest home. His undead attacked us during the night, killed one of our sisters. We Journey to NERRUANES home to make sure he gets put down once and for all, and to see to it Justice is served, and those souls trapped by his madness are liberated."
Ghorenfores voice radiates confidence.
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Greyhawk: Against the Giants: Huecuva's Blight Empty
PostSubject: Moonday, Sunsebb 3rd, 586CY: Oytwood Group: Encounter One   Greyhawk: Against the Giants: Huecuva's Blight EmptyThu Jul 22, 2010 11:03 pm

Oytwood Group
Moonday, Sunsebb 3rd, 586CY
Time: 16:15:12

TREANT #1 nods its massive bulk and foilage at GHORENFORE's words.
"Spoken like a hero, paladin. However, NERRAUNE's deprivations have not gone on unchecked, his powers make him difficult to put down. The elven tribes to the north cannot face him directly, and we cannot and will not enter the ground he has cursed."

TREANT #2 slams his massive fist to the ground with force of a giant's boulder.
"He exceeds our grasp!"

TREANT #1 acknowledges his comrade.
"To put it bluntly, yes."
TREANT #1 continues in thought.
"However we have watched, we have listened, and we have intervened when possible. Alas, by Emmantiensien's great branches, perhaps we have failed in our struggle."

MARILYN eyes are quizzical.
"Failed? How have you failed?"

TREANT #1 turns its bulk to MARILYN. His voice is deep and forlorn.
"Many of my brothers have died due to NERRAUNE's power. I felt their essence ripped away from the soil. They stand as carcasses, mockeries of the life they once had. Even in the dead of winter I could still hear them breathe, but no longer. How I long to walk among them again."

TREANT #2 is less forlorn and dour. His anger burns hot.
"His power is an anathema to us! We cannot face him again!"

LOWLYN stands from reverent position.
"I am not hindered by his blasphemy, only appalled. I have much to avenge and much more to heal."
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Greyhawk: Against the Giants: Huecuva's Blight Empty
PostSubject: Re: Greyhawk: Against the Giants: Huecuva's Blight   Greyhawk: Against the Giants: Huecuva's Blight EmptyFri Jul 23, 2010 7:23 pm

HLIN looks around at Tree shepherds asks as polite as she can as she bows " How does a such a foul beast like NERRAUNE be unchecked by others of his kind?"

"Not his race but by the Druids that live here ?" as she asks "And what is the ultimate price of his betray to all of us?"

HLIN looks at LOWLYN and the rest of the group including the Tree shepherds asks "What can we do to help to end this blight against everyone and at what costs will it take to keep blights like this from ever happening again?"

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Greyhawk: Against the Giants: Huecuva's Blight Empty
PostSubject: Moonday, Sunsebb 3rd, 586CY: Oytwood Group: Encounter One   Greyhawk: Against the Giants: Huecuva's Blight EmptyFri Jul 23, 2010 10:52 pm

Oytwood Group
Moonday, Sunsebb 3rd, 586CY
Time: 16:16:42

TREANT #1 turns to HLIN.
"Dwarf, NERRAUNE has repelled attacks by the younger druids for a year after his betrayal. The foolish and the brave have battled NERRAUNE, and they have only filled his ranks. NERRAUNE has gone underground, making a strong assault on his domicile impossible. The narrow limestone caverns below us quickly dissolve the strategy of strength in numbers."

TREANT #1 takes a deep sigh that feels like a strong winter breeze.
"If you are also refering to the high druids, then we are even embarrassed by most of them. The only two I feel any sympathy for are TERRADEEN and ALOQUINN. ALOQUINN was NERRAUNE's closest friend and confidante, the Blighter's betrayal cut ALOQUINN deeply. He probably still finds his heart unable to harden enough to strike at NERRAUNE. TERRADEEN tried, many times, but NERRAUNE was always stronger. When the giants invaded, TERRADEEN moved to combat what he believed was the most terrible threat. NERRAUNE is contained by Ehlonna's edicts, the giants are not."

"The cost of NERRAUNE's betrayal you will see, if you still wish to battle him. There are places with this wood that will never grow even a blade of grass again. Destruction is inevitable, Dwarf, the most you can do is either stand against it or mitigate its impact."

TREANT #1 glances over all members of the party.
"Make no mistake, heroes. You are embarking on a difficult quest. NERRAUNE was once a druid lord; he has repelled many attacks. He will stop at very little to achieve his twisted dream."
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Greyhawk: Against the Giants: Huecuva's Blight Empty
PostSubject: Re: Greyhawk: Against the Giants: Huecuva's Blight   Greyhawk: Against the Giants: Huecuva's Blight EmptySat Jul 24, 2010 11:06 pm

Ghorenfore watches the treants carefully clearly they have been battling NERRUANE in some form for quite a while. Whatever is was they were doing hadn’t been working as well as they wanted or had hoped. Ghorenfore Knew with the right questions he may be able to learn from them and determine what tactics they had used in the hopes of using this to his advantage for future encounters against NERRUANE.
How frustrating it must be for such creatures who call this there home, to have it blighted in such a way, sacrilege would be an understatement. Ghorenfore cannot imagine how it must be for them, how frustrating it must feel, they too deserve justice.
“Where others have failed perhaps we may succeed, Did NERRUANE have any weekness we may be able to use to our advantage? Also in what ways did you Intervene when possible.”
Ghorenfore tries to clarify his statement
“It is my hope to learn where others have been unsuccessful, THAT may be a great strength and advantage to us...”
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Greyhawk: Against the Giants: Huecuva's Blight Empty
PostSubject: Moonday, Sunsebb 3rd, 586CY: Oytwood Group: Encounter One   Greyhawk: Against the Giants: Huecuva's Blight EmptySat Jul 24, 2010 11:55 pm

Oytwood Group
Moonday, Sunsebb 3rd, 586CY
Time: 16:18:06

"Part of NERRAUNE's containment is due to us. Our intervention has been to attempt to mitigate the spread of his power. We have hunted undead that leave his blighted domain. Then NERRAUNE began to increase the size of his patrols."

FENNIGAN chimes in with a loud mumble.
"Like the Huecuva and his strike force."

The TREANT nods.
"Yes, the Huecuvas usually head out with a large force of undead to hunt those who are still fighting NERRAUNE. They either try to destroy us or they turn opposers into minions."
The TREANT raises a branched finger.
"However, NERRAUNE has other allies, new allies. They are blue-skinned humanoids. They travel at night in small packs. At first, we thought they were some more undead, so did an unfortunate cleric. They are not undead, but living assassins. They can blend into any surrounding, even before your very eyes. They can do this at any speed."

PA'CHEEN nods in affirmation.
"We saw those creatures when we went to pay NERRAUNE a visit."
He sighs in exasperation.
"They were a trifling nuisance, but definitely alive."

LUSULA hits PA'CHEEN on the shoulder with a fist.

The TREANT continues.
"I do not know where these new creatures have come from. I have not seen such creatures in the wood before."

FENNIGAN inserts his opinion to GHORENFORE.
"Probably some sort of low class demon, Lieutenant."

LUSULA pipes in.

FENNIGAN looks back.
"That's what I said, demon."

LUSULA corrects FENNIGAN again.
"Fiend, not demon."

FENNIGAN gives LUSULA a blank stare, uncertain why he is being corrected.
"But they're synonymous."

PA'CHEEN rolls his eyes.

The TREANT turns back to GHORENFORE.
"A pleasant diversion." The TREANT clears his throat. "There is only one weakness that NERRAUNE possesses, but it is difficult to exploit. NERRAUNE is a Blighter, he must use his ability to deforest large areas of a forest to regain his energy. During that time, he is vulnerable. TERRADEEN attempted this tactic and nearly beat NERRAUNE. His Huecuvas came to his aid and succeeded in driving TERRADEEN off. I doubt, NERRAUNE travels alone any more. However, every night after sunset he must leave his lair to head into the forest and collect his power through the murder of my brothers. While he is doing so, his great powers are weakened. Mark my words, it takes little time for NERRAUNE to regain his power. At that moment he would attack you with a vengeance. It is not much of a weakness, but it is the only one I know."

Last edited by Aloddaharm on Sun Jul 25, 2010 12:37 am; edited 1 time in total
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Greyhawk: Against the Giants: Huecuva's Blight Empty
PostSubject: Re: Greyhawk: Against the Giants: Huecuva's Blight   Greyhawk: Against the Giants: Huecuva's Blight EmptySun Jul 25, 2010 12:34 am

HLIN looks at Ghorenfore and the rest of the party asks "Well NERRAUNE can't move to far because of his actions. And Tree shepherds what is this anathema that you speak of?"

HLIN looks at the party and says " NERRAUNE has caverns then it is best for those with darkvision like me to be space out in the party for example I will have lead in this cavens then the next person with darkvision should be in the middle of the party and then the next person with it should be the last person in line."
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Greyhawk: Against the Giants: Huecuva's Blight Empty
PostSubject: Moonday, Sunsebb 3rd, 586CY: Oytwood Group: Encounter Two   Greyhawk: Against the Giants: Huecuva's Blight EmptySun Jul 25, 2010 12:44 am

Oytwood Group
Moonday, Sunsebb 3rd, 586CY
Time: 16:20:06

TREANT #2 turns to HLIN. His voice is a booming echo in the quiet forest. His voice seems to stress his own solid wooden body.
"NERRAUNE is an anathema, an antithesis, an aberration! He has become everything we oppose."
His great wooden fist smash into the ground. The rumble is noticed by everyone.
"And we cannot reach him! He mocks us from the hole he hides in!"

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Greyhawk: Against the Giants: Huecuva's Blight Empty
PostSubject: Re: Greyhawk: Against the Giants: Huecuva's Blight   Greyhawk: Against the Giants: Huecuva's Blight EmptySun Jul 25, 2010 1:04 am

HLIN looks at TREANT #2 with great respect and compassion and says " Thats why we are here is to take down this aberration that mocks you and us the living. As it was taught to me as an idea if there is a will there is a way to do what is needed and ask of you. I just don't need this aberration to live without being stop or grow in power."

"I know we come from different places to fight for what we think is right whether it means my death to stop such evil vile piece of shit. I don't see what have stop other people from helping here, I know there are giants are another evil that I can't wait to get back fighting them." As HLIN says with much compassion
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Greyhawk: Against the Giants: Huecuva's Blight Empty
PostSubject: Re: Greyhawk: Against the Giants: Huecuva's Blight   Greyhawk: Against the Giants: Huecuva's Blight EmptySun Jul 25, 2010 12:10 pm

Ghorenfore listened intently to the Treants words,

Quote :
"A pleasant diversion." The TREANT clears his throat. "There is only one weakness that NERRAUNE possesses, but it is difficult to exploit. NERRAUNE is a Blighter, he must use his ability to deforest large areas of a forest to regain his energy. During that time, he is vulnerable. TERRADEEN attempted this tactic and nearly beat NERRAUNE. His Huecuvas came to his aid and succeeded in driving TERRADEEN off. I doubt, NERRAUNE travels alone any more. However, every night after sunset he must leave his lair to head into the forest and collect his power through the murder of my brothers. While he is doing so, his great powers are weakened. Mark my words, it takes little time for NERRAUNE to regain his power. At that moment he would attack you with a vengeance. It is not much of a weakness, but it is the only one I know."

It occured to Ghorenfore in that moment, THAT may be the exact piece of information he had been looking for. Ghorenfore’s mind began to develop a plan, it would take precise timing and an enormous effort by everyone involved, but perhaps they could successful where TERRADEEN had been unsuccessful.

Quote :
TREANT #2 turns to HLIN. His voice is a booming echo in the quiet forest. His voice seems to stress his own solid wooden body.
"NERRAUNE is an anathema, an antithesis, an aberration! He has become everything we oppose."
His great wooden fist smash into the ground. The rumble is noticed by everyone.
"And we cannot reach him! He mocks us from the hole he hides in!"

Ghorenfore shook his head, going in the caves after him was a bad idea, and may very well end with death. The Treants own words reflected that, many had tried that very tactic and had failed many times. No, what they needed was for NERRUANE to come out of his hole in that moment perhaps with a unified front they might be successful.

Ghorenfore looks at the Treant, and then to MARILYN. He knew that for the plan to be successful They would need help.
Ghorenfores eyes turned back to the Treant and he bows in respect once more

“Perhaps we could help...” he says with respect. “A chance for EVERYONE to exact the justice on NERRUANE they desire.”

If he comes out of his Hole Ghorenfore thought to himself, then perhaps what we need is a unified front, His forces ambushed us while we were resting and recuperating because that’s when were vulnerable. Perhaps we may return the favor. We’ll wait for him to come out and ambush him.

An Alliance with the Treants would be a great tactical advantage, but it needed to be worded very carefully.
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Greyhawk: Against the Giants: Huecuva's Blight Empty
PostSubject: Moonday, Sunsebb 3rd, 586CY: Oytwood Group: Encounter One   Greyhawk: Against the Giants: Huecuva's Blight EmptySun Jul 25, 2010 2:38 pm

Oytwood Group
Moonday, Sunsebb 3rd, 586CY
Time: 16:21:18

TREANT #1 leans down, looking deeply into GHORENFORE's eyes. Its wooden, empty eyes bore deep into GHORENFORE's very soul.
"What are you suggesting? I have seen many brave souls go after NERRAUNE, and I have seen most of them die, or worse."
The TREANTS eyes move from GHORENFORE to HLIN and back to GHORENFORE.
"If you are suggesting we help you, I need more than empty words pertaining to justice or vengeance."

TREANT #2 chimes in,
"Words are pretty, but they will not slay NERRAUNE."

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Greyhawk: Against the Giants: Huecuva's Blight Empty
PostSubject: Re: Greyhawk: Against the Giants: Huecuva's Blight   Greyhawk: Against the Giants: Huecuva's Blight EmptySun Jul 25, 2010 4:35 pm

Player to DM (Beginning Diplomacy now, let me know when I need to roll)

Ghorenfore smiled and shook his head
"I am suggesting an Alliance," he said confidently "By admission going into his lair is dangerous and hasn't ended well for anyone who has treid it. Each of us here has our own axe to grind with NERRUANE, I am suggesting a unified front approach to this situation."
Ghorenfore took a deep breath
"Late in the night when he comes out to regain his strength, we ambush him, togother!"
Ghorenfore rolled his shoulders back confidently and continued
"I do not believe either of us could be very successful on our own, but if we work togther, if we unite our strength and come together as one, I believe we can lay our own ambush to NERRUANE and be victorius in the process."
Ghorenfore shifts his weight to his other foot
"He eludes you, and mocks us, but I believe we may be successful where others have failed, we may be able to put an end to this once and for all, if we do it togother."
Ghorenfore's eyes look to the heavens for help and his soul searches for the right words as his eyes come back to the Treant
"My plan is to form two fronts and corner him and any troops he may bring out with him. My freinds " Ghorenfore motions to Lusula and Pa'cheen, can even track him without being seen. We could flank him on three fronts and bring him to his knees."
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Greyhawk: Against the Giants: Huecuva's Blight Empty
PostSubject: Re: Greyhawk: Against the Giants: Huecuva's Blight   Greyhawk: Against the Giants: Huecuva's Blight Empty

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