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 Greyhawk: Against the Giants: Return to Hochoch

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Greyhawk: Against the Giants: Return to Hochoch Empty
PostSubject: Greyhawk: Against the Giants: Return to Hochoch   Greyhawk: Against the Giants: Return to Hochoch EmptySat Nov 28, 2009 12:14 am

Ready’reat 28th, Freeday
Luna: waning 3rd Quarter moon Celene: waxing to 1st Quarter Moon
Sky: Overcast Temp: Cool (46 F)
Sunrise: 6:42 Sunset: 16:53
Wind Direction: SE Average Speed: 4mph Gusts: 14mph

SETTING: Oytwood Forest near the Olvewater, a major river in the forest.
Light Forest

Tactical Movement: Normal Overland Movement: Normal (Trail) or One-half (Trackless)
Anyone who rolls a successful Survival check (DC 15) every day will be able to find a deer or other animal path that can work as a trail; however, trails are single file. The below statistics take into account an animal trail.

Battlefield Notes:
Encounter Range: 4d6 squares (20-120feet)
Line of Fire: Impaired (Missile Range unaffected within the first twenty feet; afterward a target is protected with a 20% concealment. Beyond 120 feet any target is considered to have full concealment.
Cover: Hard cover available within 1d6 squares of any character; concealment is available within 1d4 squares
Footing: Normal

Initiative Roller for this Thread: GHORENFORE

Last edited by aloddaharm on Thu Dec 17, 2009 1:53 am; edited 1 time in total
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Greyhawk: Against the Giants: Return to Hochoch Empty
PostSubject: Arlie's Team   Greyhawk: Against the Giants: Return to Hochoch EmptySat Nov 28, 2009 12:28 am

Time: 13:15:00

ARLEY and his team stand amidst the bodies of fallen orcs and ogres. The last ogre fell just moments ago. The fallen leaves from the Autumn are covered in the deep red blood of orcs and ogres. This group of marauders were no doubt preparing to strike at MARTIN's troops stationed along the Olvewater. For the moment, the troops were probably safe.

The elf, LOWLYN and the Suel Ranger GIBBON reappear from the edge of the battlefield.

"Arley, the remaining orcs split in several directions. We would not be able to follow all of them. I suggest we consider the possibility that some will find their way to their superiors."

GIBBON nods in agreement and laughs
"However, I think we scared all Nine Hells out of them!"

LOWLYN steps over to his charge, the elven noble KISA GLASSBLOWER from Lynlai, and the elven cleric NYDENT.
"I think we need to keep moving soon, my lady."

KISA nods.

However, TANYA, grunts while ripping a coin pouch from a dead orc.
"First, we should loot these bodies for supplies and our pay. We should not have any threats for a few minutes."

CLARA, the Oytwood ranger standing next to her nods in agreement and shouts and an order to her men,
"Gentlemen, time to earn your pay. Loot those bodies and collect the supplies in the center of the field!"

CLARA's BANDITS scatter through the bodies. CLARA soon follows.

GAR FENNIGAN sighs and smiles,
"Always the mercenaries."

FORLIN and MARILYN are checking out the team's wounds and weariness from the battle.

"I think we are no worse for wear."

MARILYN leans up against a large oak
"No worse for wear, but exhausted, absolutely exhausted. There were a lot of ogres."
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Greyhawk: Against the Giants: Return to Hochoch Empty
PostSubject: Ghorenfore's Group   Greyhawk: Against the Giants: Return to Hochoch EmptySat Nov 28, 2009 12:37 am

Time: 13:15:00

Only a few minutes ago, the fort in the center of the Olvewater was besieged by a large squad of orcs and ogres. They had arrived only a few days ago after the troops ran into a orc scouting party during recconaissance. One orc escaped and so reinforcements soon came to harass GHORENFORE and the rest of the small fort.

Sargeant MELISSA LASEN, MEL for short, cautioned that attacking the orcs and ogres would be suicide. The troops were mostly green and the island fort was a decent place to defend. She wanted to wait for the foes to come to her. GHORENFORE, reluctantly agreed.

After all, the mission was to hold the fort to wait for Lieutenant MARTIN to return with news of the expeditionary force that entered the Oytwood nearly a month and a half ago. The expeditionary force was probably ill-fated. All the expeditionary forces were ill-fated; there were probably just too many giants out here. And now, GHORENFORE, KIRAK, MEL, and the troops were also an ill-fated expeditionary force.

Then came the sounds of battle. Chaos issued from the orc/ogre camp in a blaze of fire, lightning, angry swords, and screaming. Within a few minutes, the western bank of the Olvewater was silent . . . deathly silent.
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Greyhawk: Against the Giants: Return to Hochoch Empty
PostSubject: Arlie's Group II   Greyhawk: Against the Giants: Return to Hochoch EmptySun Nov 29, 2009 9:36 am

TIME: 3:19:00

CLARA, TANYA, and CLARA's BANDITS quickly finish looting the bodies and collected the gear from the fallen enemies. They collect the treasure and gear in separate piles.

Brownish-green garnet (gem)
8 suits of orc scale mail
8 Greataxes
8 longspears
16 javelins
masterwork huge longspear (not in the pile)
masterwork huge greatclub (not in the pile)
Potion of clear liquid with colors that look like exploding fireworks when held up to the sun
A pair of goggles with large clear lenses, makes a wearers eyes look really big and silly to an observer.
Masterwork spiked chainmail (worn by the Ogre Mograk); CLARA's BANDIT #2 had help taking it off MORGRAK and it shrunk in size to fit him. Definitely magical.

CLARA tallies up the gold
"Well, that is 33gp for each person, dividing a 33gp cut amongst my troops. We have one gold piece remaining in the pot."

TANYA sighs
"We've had better hauls."
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Greyhawk: Against the Giants: Return to Hochoch Empty
PostSubject: GHORENFORE's Group II   Greyhawk: Against the Giants: Return to Hochoch EmptySun Nov 29, 2009 10:15 am

TIME: 13:19:00

The fort the troops had built, Fort Olvewater, was in the center of a ford for the Olvewater. The river flowed south slowly this time of year. The ford was not just a shallow area of the river, but had small land masses, eight of them, that crossed the river, along an 800 foot expanse. The fort was based on the largest land mass and it also had an area of highest elevation. The north side had an elevation of 38 feet above the river's surface with a steep rise cutting through the center of the island, dividing low ground and high ground. On the high ground, the team had constructed two observation posts to look out over the river. The posts were placed on the west and east sides of the high ground to observe the banks of the river. The high ground was forested with pines and smaller trees, but it gave decent concealment for hiding and observing.

The lower ground was the main base of the fort. The camp was small and cramped, considering the size of the island and the number of troops. Also, GHORENFORE's heavy war horse certainly filled up some space. The bulk of the low ground was still eight feet above the Olvewater, but two sections on the east and west bank were lower in elevation and used to put the canoes out on the river. The south side of the fort had a earthwork almost completed. It kept the fort partially hidden from view by anyone who would travel upstream. The earthwork was only about five feet high. This area was the lowest in average elevation and would probably flood come Spring. The earthwork was a barrier to possible rising water levels. The earth used for the fortification had been taken from smaller islands surrounding Fort Olvewater.

The fort was defendable but small. It was suitable for a frontier post, but not a staging area for an army. It was small, isolated, and vulnerable. The nearest friendly fort was Fort Alern, six days away or more away. Knight Captain Mohad Xeni, commader of all military forces in Hochoch, wanted a fort in the Oytwood to stage assaults on giant supply lines. And this was the best they could find. Strategically, it was close to the trade road between the former town of Preston in the Oytwood and Midwood, a town in the plains to the north between the Oytwood and the Dim Forest. Also, the water was deep enough to slow ogres and hill giants attempting to wade through to get to the fort, but not larger giants. To ease overcrowding issues, the fort may have to eventually expand to cover other islands or the banks of the river. That is if GHORENFORE even expected Lieutenant MARTIN to return with aid, if he returned at all.

The last expeditionary force that was sent into the Oytwood was comprised of mostly mercenaries with two enlisted sergeants from the army of Gran March. GHORENFORE had heard that three members of that party were visitors from elven towns in Otywood and would help in building alliances with the forest people. There was a lot of doubt in Hochoch whether there even enough forest people alive willing to help chase out the giants. It was spoken around the Watchers' tables that the only woodsmen who were left were probably scared children and old women. No reports ever arrived in Hochoch of any resistance fighting within the Oytwood. For two years the land of Geoff has been under giant rule, and their has been little to report of resistance fighters, except for brave souls ferrying children out of the occupied lands.

When GHORENFORE arrived at the ford that would become Fort Olvewater with Lieutenant MARTIN, a ranger refugee from Preston, they set up shop to wait for any news of the last mercenary force. Little news came from the silent forest. MARTIN soon became impatient and decided to head deeper into the Oytwood to find some elves that may have information. MARTIN was a local and knew the area, he only hoped that some elven towns had survived the giants. MARTIN took TANYA the scout, FENNIGAN the wizard, and MARILYN cleric of Mayaheine with him, leaving GHORENFORE alone with KIRAK and the troops to hold the fort. MARTIN had been gone for almost two weeks, perhaps too long in giant territory.

All the thoughts came back to GHORENFORE as he looked along the now silent and empty west bank, where before orcs and ogres had harassed them in their sickening tongues. Something had happened to the enemy and that something carried a lot of firepower. Was the something still out there?
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Greyhawk: Against the Giants: Return to Hochoch Empty
PostSubject: Re: Greyhawk: Against the Giants: Return to Hochoch   Greyhawk: Against the Giants: Return to Hochoch EmptyMon Nov 30, 2009 12:10 am

Ghorenfore stood there looking down upon the west bank, his eyes scanned the bank several times but each time came up with nothing. His mind had gone through several possibilities but each one an assumption built on others. The bottom line was that somebody or something was down there, and the possibility was that they may be in need of his assistance.
Ghorenfore looked over at his friend Kirak who quietly took up position behind him.
“You know we need to go down there right?”
Kirak gave a simple nod indicating that he knew what was coming, and although his thoughts would never betray him Kirak was not at all convinced this was the BEST course of action.
Ghorenfore turned on his heals and headed for his horse, crossing paths with Mel on the way.
“I’m going out there…” he said with a fair amount of zeal “…I’ll need 5 of your best men.”
Ghorenfore started fixing the horse, checking the reins and making sure everything was secure, a silly act to some but a random loose strap when Ghorenfore was a kid had left him with a bloodied nose, a bruised ego, and a horse that left his ass in the dirt as it rode away. Ghorenfore swore (even to this day) the horse had been laughing at him as it rode away.
“If someone is out there they may need our help, if it’s a something…”
Ghorenfore was sincerely hoping for the ‘someone’ in his mind,
“…Then I intend to make it think twice before it decides to pay us a visit.”
He looked at Kirak and quirked a half smile, “I don’t even need to ask if your coming do I?”
Kirak raised an eyebrow “…Indeed”
Ghorenfore took a deep breath and hopped on his horse, looking at Mel he smiled at her, he knew she'd be fine. He had grown to respect her, as a warrior and a woman in the short time they had worked together and it was with no doubt that he left her in charge.
"...you’ll be in charge until I get back.”
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Greyhawk: Against the Giants: Return to Hochoch Empty
PostSubject: Ghorenfore's group   Greyhawk: Against the Giants: Return to Hochoch EmptyMon Nov 30, 2009 2:36 am

TIME: 3:19:00

MEL walked to the men staring out along the west bank. She swore some of them were upset the orcs and ogres had disappeared. They would be the ones she would send with GHORENFORE. These troops were on the field during the assault on Hochoch. That experience made them hard to frighten.

She began shouting orders
"All right men, you heard the Lieutenant, move your asses! I want two teams, man the canoes and move out!"
Then she turned to GHORENFORE
"You have a horse, but the water is too cold for these men to be any use to you if they wade across the Olvewater. I'm sure KIRAK wouldn't mind a dry trip across the river. Also, two of the men will have to stay near the canoes, should a retreat back to the camp be necessary. So you will have three men for support. I'll place men in the west sentry post to give you archer support if you have to withdraw back to the fort."

The men were already assembling the canoes along the west bank of the fort. The lead man on each canoe stepped in and the canoes were pushed until they were half in the water. The canoes waited for KIRAK. With a single command from MEL two other soldiers headed up the steep slope to the observation tower.

MEL looked back to GHORENFORE, she made an uneasy smile.
"Perhaps if whatever is out there beat the orcs and ogres, perhaps they can't be all bad. Good Luck, Lieutenant."
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Greyhawk: Against the Giants: Return to Hochoch Empty
PostSubject: Re: Greyhawk: Against the Giants: Return to Hochoch   Greyhawk: Against the Giants: Return to Hochoch EmptyTue Dec 01, 2009 2:14 am

As each of the men piled into the Canoe's Ghorenfore watched silently and finally looked down at Kirak, with a cautious face.
"...when we hit the bank you and the men will follow my lead, we'll do basic recon, keep it simple and don't engage unless were given no other choice."
Kirak nodded in agreement, before going to the canoe "Aye M'lord"

aloddaharm wrote:
MEL looked back to GHORENFORE, she made an uneasy smile.
"Perhaps if whatever is out there beat the orcs and ogres, perhaps they can't be all bad. Good Luck, Lieutenant."

Ghorenfore Saluted Mel and gave her a smile, acknowledging her words of luck before riding into the water
"..To us all," he said to her with a smile.

Ride down to the water and cross, watch for all canoes and make sure everyone follows closely and safely. If there are any signs of trouble, stop immediately and render assistance.
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Greyhawk: Against the Giants: Return to Hochoch Empty
PostSubject: Re: Arlie's Group II   Greyhawk: Against the Giants: Return to Hochoch EmptyThu Dec 03, 2009 2:05 am

ARLIE wanders over to the pile & calls out to the group.
"So who can wear some chain mail?"

He then glances at the goggles & mutters:
"This is the 3rd or 4th band of orcs where one had some weird thing for his eyes. What's up with this stuff?"

He grabs the goggles & puts them on.
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Greyhawk: Against the Giants: Return to Hochoch Empty
PostSubject: Ready'reat 28th, 586CY: Arlie's Group II   Greyhawk: Against the Giants: Return to Hochoch EmptyThu Dec 03, 2009 8:32 pm

Time: 13:20:00

FENNIGAN reaches out an urgent hand as Arlie dons the goggles.
"At least let me--"

Arlie feels disoriented and his eyes are pained adjusting to the goggles, like suddenly walking out into sunlight. The goggles blur all sight beyond a single foot; however, close objects, like the dwarf's fingers, are shown in exquiste magnified detail.

FENNIGAN drops his hand as he sees that Arlie has not exploded, or worse. He begins chanting, closing his eyes and bringing hands up to the sides of his head. The chanting ceases and FENNIGAN opens his eyes. His irises light up with a faint blue color as he looks over the pile of goodies.

For a few seconds he is silent. He looks over Arlie and stares at him, still silent. Then his eyes cease their faint glowing and FENNIGAN blinks.
"Well, the chainmail has a minor abjuration on it, no surprise there. The googles Arlie put on appear to be some sort of divination enchantment, also quite minor. The potion has a minor aura that is an enchantment, probably a compulsion aura. By the glamer within the liquid I would say that we are looking at a general Potion of Heroism."

TANYA nods again.
"We've definitely had better hauls before. Why did the other bastards have to run off?"

KISA GLASSBLOWER steps forward to Lieutenant MARTIN.
"Lieutenant, I believe Nydent could benefit from the magical chainmail. I think he is the only one who can make any use of it. Besides he could trade his chainmail with one of CLARA's men."

TANYA looks at everyone, but smiles coyly at MARTIN.
"Well, I suppose that leaves the garnet."
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Greyhawk: Against the Giants: Return to Hochoch Empty
PostSubject: Ready'reat 28th, 586CY: Ghorefore's Group   Greyhawk: Against the Giants: Return to Hochoch EmptyThu Dec 03, 2009 8:43 pm


Two soldiers slide each canoe in the water, and one jumps into the back to steer each canoe. GHORENFORE follows with his trusty steed (who still needs a name). GHORENFORE feels the mount's shock as the mount's legs enter the cold river water. A small island lies between GHORENFORE and the mainland, so the canoe teams must navigate around the land mass. GHORENFORE travels on to the small island to give his mount a rest and to watch the canoes come around to the west side of the island.

Within a half a minute the canoes and GHOREFORE beach on the Olvewater's west bank. As the canoes are beached, the lead soldier in each canoe hops out and pulls the canoe on the shore. The three remaining soldiers hop out of the boats and move to the treeline. Each hides behind a large oak or pine with their bows armed with an arrow. They peer into the forest. They turn back to GHORENFORE and shake their hands: They see nothing in the surrounding area.
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Greyhawk: Against the Giants: Return to Hochoch Empty
PostSubject: Re: Arlie's Group II   Greyhawk: Against the Giants: Return to Hochoch EmptySat Dec 05, 2009 1:35 pm

ARLIE yanks the goggles off & waits a moment for his eyesight to return to normal. He looks around quickly for TANYA & races over to her waving the goggles in the air. He shouts out: "Hey Tanya! How good are you dealing with locks & traps?"

MARTIN glances past TANYA at the oncoming dwarfling & wonders what he's so fired up about this time.
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Greyhawk: Against the Giants: Return to Hochoch Empty
PostSubject: Freeday, Ready'reat 18th, 586CY: Arlie's Group   Greyhawk: Against the Giants: Return to Hochoch EmptySat Dec 05, 2009 2:22 pm

TIME: 13:20:06

TANYA spins around to look at the dwarf huffing over to her. She did like him better as a halfling. She smiles and says:
"I'm no thief, ARLIE. I'm a scout and a swindler, but not a thief. I can find traps better than any of you, but not with disabling them. For getting through doors--" she steps next to MARTIN and squeezes his upper arm muscles--"you may need someone with a little more brute force."
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Greyhawk: Against the Giants: Return to Hochoch Empty
PostSubject: Freeday, Ready'reat 28th, 586 CY: Rebecca's Group   Greyhawk: Against the Giants: Return to Hochoch EmptySat Dec 05, 2009 4:19 pm

Freeday, Ready'reat 28th, 586 CY
Time: 13:20:06

It has been close to two weeks since REBECCA lost track of ARLIE and the rest of the team she traveled with from the Ogre Caves. Both groups were separated after the attack from the strange human with his flock of bats. Unfortunately, a retreat on so dark a night separated both teams. REBECCA, LEYLADIN, and ALEX were unable to locate the rest of the team or Lynlai. They were forced to travel on their own without aid from guides who knew the area. The last home of this small party was to reach the edge of the Oytwood by traveling east until they reached the Olvewater and then the Great River. Hochoch was to the east, but where. After two weeks, supplies have dwindled. Even with REBECCA being able to sustain herself, LEYLADIN and ALEX have used the last of the rations. Also, with the approaching cold weather, game has disappeared from the woods in many places. The occasional deer has been a blessing.

Everything was quiet until just a couple of minutes ago, when the party heard a grand battle take place just ahead. It sounded like a brutal assault full of steel and magic. It lasted only a few minutes then all went silent, even the birds are still quiet.
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Greyhawk: Against the Giants: Return to Hochoch Empty
PostSubject: Re: Arlie's Group II   Greyhawk: Against the Giants: Return to Hochoch EmptySat Dec 05, 2009 8:21 pm

"Drats!" ARLIE says, as he looks a bit annoyed at the goggles in his hand.  "These goggles give you incredible up close vision.  Never wear them in a fight or you're effectively blind, but they'll be great for precision work.  Locks & traps were the first things I could think of."  ARLIE looks back at TANYA & MARTIN.  "Either of you have any ideas?"

MARTIN glances down at him.  "Sorry.  That's definitely not my area of expertise."
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Greyhawk: Against the Giants: Return to Hochoch Empty
PostSubject: Re: Greyhawk: Against the Giants: Return to Hochoch   Greyhawk: Against the Giants: Return to Hochoch EmptySun Dec 06, 2009 12:57 pm

"Alex, Leyla Let us make our way towards the battle ground to investigate. Move cautiously and as gently as possible"
Rolls Movesilently Untrained +3 from dex -2 Amor Check Total +1

"I agree. Lets go"
Rolls Movesilently Untrained +2 from dex -1 Armor Check Total +1

"Aye, Milady as you wish."
Rolls Movesilently Untrained -5 Armor Check Total -5
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Greyhawk: Against the Giants: Return to Hochoch Empty
PostSubject: Re: Greyhawk: Against the Giants: Return to Hochoch   Greyhawk: Against the Giants: Return to Hochoch EmptySun Dec 06, 2009 12:57 pm

The member 'Bekah' has done the following action : Dices roll

#1 'd20' : 4


#2 'd20' : 8


#3 'd20' : 14
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Greyhawk: Against the Giants: Return to Hochoch Empty
PostSubject: Re: Greyhawk: Against the Giants: Return to Hochoch   Greyhawk: Against the Giants: Return to Hochoch EmptySun Dec 06, 2009 10:05 pm

BEKAH Move silently results 5
LEYLA Move silently results 9
ALEX Move silently results 9
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Greyhawk: Against the Giants: Return to Hochoch Empty
PostSubject: Freeday, Ready'reat 28th, 586CY: Rebecca's group   Greyhawk: Against the Giants: Return to Hochoch EmptySun Dec 06, 2009 10:37 pm

Freeday, Ready'reat 28th, 586 CY
Time: 13:20:12

REBECCAS's definition of "cautious and as gently as possible" is a regular hike through the forest. They move slowly, but ALEX's armor rattles and jostles. The thick, wet little layer of leaves from the fall conceals fragile branches and twigs from the storm only a few nights ago.

The team moves only 10 FEET under these conditions with still no sign of a battle or victors in the vicinity.
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Greyhawk: Against the Giants: Return to Hochoch Empty
PostSubject: Re: Greyhawk: Against the Giants: Return to Hochoch   Greyhawk: Against the Giants: Return to Hochoch EmptySun Dec 06, 2009 10:40 pm

whispers "Lets try to be a little bit quieter guys"
Rolls Movesilently Untrained +3 from dex -2 Amor Check Total +1

Rolls Movesilently Untrained +2 from dex -1 Armor Check Total +1

Rolls Movesilently Untrained -5 Armor Check Total -5
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Greyhawk: Against the Giants: Return to Hochoch Empty
PostSubject: Re: Greyhawk: Against the Giants: Return to Hochoch   Greyhawk: Against the Giants: Return to Hochoch EmptySun Dec 06, 2009 10:40 pm

The member 'Bekah' has done the following action : Dices roll

#1 'd20' : 10


#2 'd20' : 4


#3 'd20' : 1
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Greyhawk: Against the Giants: Return to Hochoch Empty
PostSubject: Re: Greyhawk: Against the Giants: Return to Hochoch   Greyhawk: Against the Giants: Return to Hochoch EmptySun Dec 06, 2009 10:41 pm

BEKAH Move silently results 11
LEYLA Move silently results 5
ALEX Move silently results -4
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Greyhawk: Against the Giants: Return to Hochoch Empty
PostSubject: Freeday, Ready'reat 28th, 586CY: Arlie's group   Greyhawk: Against the Giants: Return to Hochoch EmptySun Dec 06, 2009 11:07 pm

Freeday, Ready'reat 28th, 586 CY
Time: 13:20:12

TANYA smiles again and says,
"I was curious whether you plan on us unlocking a tree stump with thieves' picks out here. I mean I really don't see the logic in worrying about doors."

KISA GLASSBLOWER paces over to the pile of loot remaining. NYDENT follows her. She grabs the black spiked chainmail and hands it to NYDENT.
"You can use this, we will pass off your chainmail to one of CLARA's men. We need to get moving, we have no idea whether the orcs that retreated are not regrouping with a larger force. I do not want to be caught out here unaware."

NYDENT stammers
"It will take a few minutes to change into the new suit."

"Then do it."
She points at CLARA's troops
"You gentlemen will help him the armor and then you can have his original suit. Hurry, we have little time to waste."

CLARA's BANDITS look at CLARA who acknowledges the order with a jerk of her hands. She returns to keeping her eyes on the forest.

LOWLYN and GIBBON return to scanning the forest looking for trouble. MARILYN keeps a sharp out as well.

"Perhaps it may be the time to send a squad to see if our fort is still standing, since it must be just to the east. I think the orcs and ogres might have found it and that is what they were doing here. We need to check on the team we left behind."
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Greyhawk: Against the Giants: Return to Hochoch Empty
PostSubject: Freeday, Ready'reat 28th, 586CY: Rebecca's group   Greyhawk: Against the Giants: Return to Hochoch EmptySun Dec 06, 2009 11:14 pm

Freeday, Ready'reat 28th, 586 CY
Time: 13:20:18

With the rest of the forest being so quiet, ALEX's armor almost sounds like a chorus of banshees screraming "We're right here!". Also, the debris littered forest floor is also giving them away.

They move another 10 FEET east.
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Greyhawk: Against the Giants: Return to Hochoch Empty
PostSubject: Re: Greyhawk: Against the Giants: Return to Hochoch   Greyhawk: Against the Giants: Return to Hochoch EmptySun Dec 06, 2009 11:25 pm

"Ah hell just move someont could need our help and they are bound to know we are here now anyway"

All three make way in the direction, the sounds of battle came from.
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Greyhawk: Against the Giants: Return to Hochoch Empty
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